Jan 9, 2010

A Social Leadership Program for growing India

ICICI has launched a social leadership program for growing India. It believes in creating leadership skill with social outlook in young talents of India. This fellowship program will help the young develop a future goal, mobilize people, thoughts and resources to help emerging India become a powerful nation.

This ICICI Fellows program will impart both theoretical and practical training to the young and talented youth. It has three tightly interlinked components: Management Training, Experiential Learning and Personal Development & Mentoring. Through the program you will also be deployed to far reaching places on India to develop social awareness about the Indian society.

    Important dates for the leadership program:
  1. 30 Jan, 2010: Last date to submit applications form,
  2. Feb to Apr 2010: Selection Process (comprising of application form evaluations, tele-interviews and Assessment Days)
  3. May 2010: Results Announcement,
  4. July 2010: Fellowship begins.

Eligibility: Age: 21 - 28 and graduate.

This program has a financial support available. You will be deployed at various locations and with various NGOs during the course.

Dates may change. For details and application form check at the ICICI follows website.

I thought to join the program to transform into managerial role with social cause and asked few questions coming into my mind. Here are the questions and answers I got.

1. What is the selection criteria for this?
2. How much stipend one can expect from this?
3. Is there any difference in work and stipend based on experience?

1. If you reside in India, are a graduate upto 28 years of age and are passionate about working towards India's social development, you are eligible for the programme.
2. All those selected for the programme receive a stipend of Rs. 12000 irrespective of their experience
3. Projects are alloted to the candidates based on their skills and abilities as well as the requirements of the NGO.

Hope this all will help you!