Old methods from Vedas for farming techniques proved gold for a Unnao farmer. Many adopted this homa-farming idea from Lacknow-based horticulture institute four years ago but this one farmer stick to it and getting result year after years. This method proved to be costly. First year it seems useless due to high input cost and low return. But according to Ramesh Chandra Tiwari, he is getting fruit in yearly basis as their input cost is lowering and yield is going up.
Ramesh Chandra Tiwari is thankful to central Horticultural sub-tropical Research institute (CHSRI). Tiwari has been appointed as in expert by the CHSRI to teach this method to others. This homa-farming was invented in India and is described in great details in ‘Rig Vedas’.
Home is derived from ancient Hindu practice of performing ‘yajna’ or ‘havan’ by lighting a ritual fire and putting various things in it. In Homa-farming, organic fertilizer is used instead of chemical fertilizer. Vedic Mantras is also chanted in the rituals.
According to principal adviser in National Horticulture Mission, Homa- Farming is a scientific method which lays emphasis on fumigation of the atmosphere, an important factor to keep your crop healthy and save it from ailments.
The usual pest and insects found in the region are no worry in this farm, which destroy major portion of the crop in this belt.
Tiwari is busy in attending calls from the India and abroad.
More on Homa-Farming is here.