Jul 13, 2008

Mayawati Wants Speedy Implementation Of Anti-Poverty Scheme

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati wants speedy implementation of anti-poverty and social welfare schemes. Uttar Pradesh CM Mayawati will setup a new agency for this and will name it – Safety Net Authority. Safety Nets Authority will help coordinate the implementation of anti-povery and social welfare programs.

UP CM Mayawati is very upset with various departments including social welfare, rural developments, women and child welfare and home. These departments failed to give result. SNA (Safety Net Authority) will help guide these departments to improve human index in the state.

The number of below poverty line families is very high in the state. The scheme launched to improve the almost one crore people in the state have largely failed to improve their condition.

The target group is ST/STs, BPL families and other deprived sections of the society.