For every valid blog post, Akshaya Patra will be able to feed 50 children. How this scheme of blogging and supporting 50 children is working is unknown to me but I thought to write a blog post. You can also write a blog post and even donate to Akshaya Patra foundation by following a link at the bottom.
Akshaya Patra foundation is feeding children in line of midday meal before midday meal come into existence. Supreme court has mandated in Nov 28, 2001 for midday meal for all government and govt supported schools. Ministry of Human Resource has extended its support in 2003 after Supreme court has passed its order in 2001. By that time Akshaya Patra was feeding 23,000 children.
Now, with Govt of India support, support from donation from individuals and agencies, Akshaya Patra is feeding 1.2 million children everyday.
Support Akshaya Patra by donation!
Few informative video related to Akshaya Patra: